Build delightful onchain transaction experiences
Simple APIs to enable cross-chain, gasless, fiat transactions, and more, in your dapp or wallet.
Powering your favorite web3 apps
Base ColorsPayflowBase Name ServiceHypersubSticker.wtfCaststorageHerocastBase ColorsPayflowBase Name ServiceHypersubSticker.wtfCaststorageHerocast
Instant, low-cost
cross-chain transactions
Let your users pay for transactions with tokens they already have on any chain without the need to swap or bridge.

Try the demo by subscribing to a creator on Hypersub. Even though the smart contract requires ETH on Base, you will be able to pay for the transaction with any token you hold in your wallet.
Surfing Dog
Surfing Dog
0.000003 ETH per yr
Boost checkout conversions
Reduce friction by letting users pay for transactions with tokens they already have on any chain. No need to swap or bridge.
Simplify deposit flows with cross-chain swaps
Onboard users quicker by letting them deposit your dapp's preferred token with tokens they already have on any chain.
Enable cross-chain p2p transactions
Make your app more social by letting users send tokens to each other across chains, with built-in swaps.
Enable credit & debit card payments
Let users pay for transactions with credit and debit cards, making their crypto journey simpler.
Multiple transactions in one go
Let users pay once for multiple transactions, even when the transactions are across multiple chains.
Launch an in-app currency
Launch an in-app currency and let users pre-purchase onchain tokens that can be used to pay for transactions later.
gasless transactions
Let your users pay for transactions with ERC-20 tokens without having to spend or hold any gas. Glide only requires a signature and handles the rest.

Try the demo by minting an NFT on Zora. You will be able to pay for the transaction with USDC, no gas required.
Glide Logo
Glide Logo
0.000777 ETH
Integration so easy,
you’ll be done in an hour
Glide comes with a lightweight and type-safe Typescript SDK to make the integration quick and painless. The SDK is compatible with popular libraries like wagmi/viem.

For other languages, you can integrate directly with Glide’s REST API.
npm i @paywithglide/glide-js
import { createSession, currencies, chains } from "@paywithglide/glide-js"; const session = await createSession(config, { chainId:, account: "0xc6FfEB1298Eb33Da430d14e5Eb789256ec344625", paymentCurrency: currencies.usdc.on(chains.optimism), preferGaslessPayment: true, abi: hyperSubAbi, address: "0x1169c6769c4F4B3cA1944AF0F26B36582fd5279d", functionName: "mintFor", args: ["0xc6FfEB1298Eb33Da430d14e5Eb789256ec344625", 999999907200n], value: 999999907200n, });
Learn more

Glide lets users pay for transactions with tokens they already have on any chain without the need to swap, bridge, or hold specific tokens to complete a transaction.

Glide supports all EVM-compatible chains and hundreds of tokens, and lets users transact with the most popular smart contracts.

© 2024 Tenlab Technologies, Inc.
Built in New York and California